We understand how important Swept Path Analysis is & how this process can save a lot of abortive design work & associated costs or even potential abortive building/rebuilding costs. As site layouts become increasingly congested to achieve viable developments & serve planning requirements, there is an increasing need to be able to demonstrate that the designed site layout can accommodate the movement of vehicles regularly expected.
We have extensive experience in providing Swept Path Analysis using the latest Vehicle Tracking Software for a wide variety of major & minor developments. We calculate & analyse the movement & path of different parts of a vehicle when that vehicle is performing a variety of manoeuvres.
We can overlay the swept path of a vehicle upon the site layout indicating the path taken by each wheel & the vehicle body during the manoeuvre. This helps to demonstrate to the planning authority that the proposed site layout is fit for purpose.
Our engineers can design & amend site layouts to relevant standards to accommodate the required vehicle Swept Paths.
We offer a wide range of Swept Path Analysis services including:
We can also assist with visibility splays to accompany planning applications that consist of any new vehicular access or private driveway that joins the public highway.